
Monday, 14 January 2019

Fun facts of NZ

New Zealanders are crazy about cars! In 2018 there were 3.4 million cars registered but only 4.8 million people living there! This makes NZ one of the countries that has the most cars registered per person.

New Zealand is part of the Pacific Rim of Fire. They even have an actual active volcano called Mount Ruapehu. Mount Ruapehu is in the middle of the North Island.

Did you know that the movies ‘Once were Warriors’, ‘The Whale Rider’, ‘The Piano’ and the ‘Lord of the Rings’ trilogy were filmed in New Zealand? I'd say that's a pretty decent success for New Zealand cinema.


  1. Hi Shjon!

    My name is Mikey. I am a part of the Summer Learning Journey team and I will be commenting on some of your blog posts over the next couple of weeks. Congratulations on completing your first activity! It's so wonderful that you're continuing your literacy learning over the summer holidays. :)

    You've chosen some really interesting facts. Isn't it great how many movies have been filmed here in little old New Zealand? It sure does a lot for our tourism industry. Have you seen the Lord of the Rings films? I used to live in Wellington, right at the bottom of Mount Victoria, where some of the scenes were filmed.

    I look forward to reading more posts from you soon Shjon. Until then, happy blogging! :)

    1. love too but I am not old enough


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